Using a sex toy video or DVD is one sexy way to charge up your love life. Even if you think you're not into watching something like that, many couples have realized that watching sexual activities on screen is a wonderful tool because it brings them together, helps them explore their deeper feelings about sexual arousal and raises their comfort level about using sex toys and exploring new avenues for sexual play.
A tool like a sex toy or sex video or DVD
can be used by a couple or by you alone for masturbation. Whichever way you choose, you'll likely be eroticized by watching the visuals and hearing the sounds and words of sexual pleasure. If your partner is watching with you, you can touch and caress each other as the sex toy video or DVD begins to work its magic.
If you're planning to watch with your partner, it's a good idea to predetermine what kind of visual and aural images you want to experience. Different types might appeal to each of you. One person might want raunchy, full-on x-rated content, but that might be a complete turn-off for the other person, who's perhaps more comfortable with a tasteful production or something instructional in nature.
Compromise is part of any relationship. Choosing a product together can actually heighten the whole sexual experience for you as a couple, add a spirit of compromise to your relationship and make you anticipate together the potentially erotic experience you'll enjoy when the product you've chosen starts playing.
"How-to" videos and DVDs are particularly helpful if you want some tips and tricks on positions, toys, fantasy or anything else that you feel might augment your play with your partner.
So check out your options and add some visual stimulation to your erotic encounters.